Wednesday, April 18, 2012

24 weeks

I'm 24 weeks now, so here's a little list of what's going on with me:

 I feel like a bloated bull frog. 

We're still waiting for Ryder to get a little bit bigger and a little bit stronger so Daddy can feel his kicks too!  He keeps trying, but no luck yet. 

My hormone's are severely out of whack, and I'm ready to feel like myself again.  I have turned into a big crybaby.  Seriously, my tear ducts are tired.

I pee all day, and a lot of the night.  I'm about to have my mailing address changed directly to the bathroom.

Throwing up is few and far between now! (Hallejuah!)  Sometimes foods still don't agree with me, but for the most part, Pukey McPukerson has left the building!

I'm getting bigger by the minute, there isn't a stitch of pre-pregnancy clothing that I can wear now.

I really love feeling Ryder move... it reminds me he's in there and makes it all feel a little more real.

Til the next time lovelies!

24 Week Baby Belly

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