Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Not so Pretty Side of Pregnancy.

Before I discovered that I was pregnant, my baby sister had made her own announcement of pregnancy.  My poor sister was sick morning, noon and night without much relief.  Fast forward a couple of weeks and oops, I'm pregnant too.  When I found out that I was expecting my very own bundle of joy I was only 3 weeks along, and in the 3 weeks to follow I felt fine!  I would look at my sister and shake my head with pity, and think, "I'm glad that's not me."  Well we all know what happens when you speak too soon! 

The day I turned 6 weeks, I didn't feel quite right.  The later in the evening it got, the worse I felt.  That night was our monthly bunco game, so I was a bit later getting home that evening.  I walked through the door, and greeted my husband as I promptly rushed by him and straight to the bathroom.  I'm sure we all can fill in the blanks on what happened next.  That night ended my reign over an easy breezy pregnancy. 

I'm 10 weeks now, and still battling sickness.  My doctor did prescribe me some medicine that has become my new best friend.  My husband and step-son, are becoming use to the noises in the bathroom, and don't run back there to check on me as often anymore.  My excessive sickness, led to the following conversation between me and my 8 year old step-son last night.

Jody: Mom, did you know that you were gonna get sick when you got pregnant?

Me: Yea, I knew there was a chance it could happen.

Jody: Well, you're sick all the time.  Did you know you were gonna do that?

Me: Well no, I didn't know that I would be sick all the time.

Jody: Well, I guess what I'm trying to say is... did you really think this thing through?  Because I know I wouldn't wanna be sick all the time.

Me: Yes son, I thought it through.

Jody: Eh, I don't really think you did.

Kids say the darndest things.

1 comment:

  1. That is funny what Jody said. It WILL get better. Hang in there Momma....
