Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

On January 20th I had my first ultrasound!  My husband and I arrived to greet a waiting room of people there to support us, and get a first peek of our little "nugget".  We were the last to get there, because I am always running late.  As my troop and I headed back to the ultrasound room, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach... a mixture of excitement and nervousness. 

The technician instructed me to lay down and lift up my shirt, then she applied a gel to my naked tummy that surprisingly wasn't cold.  She placed the wand on my stomach, moved around a bit, and then there he/she was on a big screen at the front of the room.  I immediately burst into tears, and then had to pull myself together just as quickly, because the shaking of my stomach was distorting the picture of my beautiful baby.  I actually laid there holding my breath as much as possible so as not to mess the picture up. 

He/she moved and squirmed.  It rolled over, waved it's arms and kicked it's legs.  I have never seen anything so cool in my entire life.  I am totally in love with this little life inside of me, and I can't wait to meet you, my sweet baby.

("Baby Ray" at 11 weeks)

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